The {gtExtras} extension adds many customization options for tables created with the {gt} extension. In this tutorial we will illustrate some possibilities of these packages on a dataset about the Tour de France riders.
{tidygraph} allows to use tidyverse tools to perform network analysis. In this tutorial how we can produce and analyze a network of co-authorship of scientific paper.
{geofacet} allows to position plots in a similar pattern to the original geography, which provide more information than classical chloropleths but is also harder to read. In this tutorial we will see a simple approach to mix both approaches.
In this post, we will perform a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to explore the evolution of songs' features over the years, using {tidyverse} tools and syntax
In this third part of the tutorial, we will now evaluate the error associated with the model predictions (the Root Mean Square Error, RMSE), and then try to decrease this error by optimizing one of the model parameter.
In this second part of the tutorial, we will investigate the influence of the different parameters on the model’s results. You will learn how to perform a sensivity analysis and an uncertainty analysis.
The tidyverse is a collection of extensions designed to work together and based on a common philosophy, making data manipulation and plotting easier. In this tutorial, following the tidyverse philosophy, we will see how we can program the first part of a crop model: the estimation of the number of plant leaves from temperature data.