{geofacet} allows to position plots in a similar pattern to the original geography, which provide more information than classical chloropleths but is also harder to read. In this tutorial we will see a simple approach to mix both approaches.
In this post, we will perform a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to explore the evolution of songs' features over the years, using {tidyverse} tools and syntax
Text customization is an important step in the creation of a graph. In this post, we will see how we can change text fonts with {showtext} and add more changes with {ggtext}.
Polar barplots can be an alternative to standard barplots but several steps are required to obtain a nice layout. In this post, we will see how to customize such barplots.
The {ggplot2}] extension, developed by Hadley Wickham, is a powerful tool for making plots with R. In this introduction to {ggplot2}, we will see here how to use this extension to compare nitrogen fertilizer use efficiencies between different countries of the world.